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2023-10-02 04:03AM
• 3 min read • #cli #terminal
Git has a nice feature called grep
, when you want to get a commit for an old code, and it's a kind of search, but not enough for me !I wrote a bash script to search for a "piece of code" inside a git project history whatever the branch and time.
It can :
If we save the file as ./gf.sh
, we give execution rights chmod +x ./gf.sh
and we add it in our .bashrc
as an alias : alias gf=${HOME}/gf.sh
We can wrote interesting command easily.
Example :
$ gf search 'vieux code'
$ gf open 'commit-id:fichier:ligne'
This is how the code looks :
# by d4rk3r
# A smart way to search for a code
# inside your git history whatever the branch you're
# -- Setup :
# -- After getting the bash script
# chmod +x /path/to/gf.sh
# -- to add the execute right to the script
# -- You can add it to your .bashrc env
# gf s 'pattern' -- to search for some code
# -- then after copy the line of the commit,
# gf o commit_id:line:file_name....
# -- gf will switch to that commit and open the line where the code is,
# -- after quitting, gf will restore your repo to the precedent branch where you were working
# a smart git command to get commit, file and line where
# the string is available
git rev-list --all | (
while read revision; do
git grep -n -F ${1} $revision
) > ${HOME}/.gf-out
echo "[-] Searching for '${1}' in this repo..."
sleep 2
# We less in the list of results
_git_search "${1}"
cat ${HOME}/.gf-out | less
# getting your current branch
branch=$(git branch | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/\1/p')
# A smart split from the incomming $1 parameter
arr=($(echo "$1" | tr ':' '\n'))
# some verbose
echo "[-] Moving on commit : $commit"
sleep 1
echo "[-] Moving on file : $file"
sleep 1
echo "[-] Moving on line : $line"
sleep 1
# A checkout on the commit then a less on the line of the file
git checkout "$commit"
less +"$line" "$file"
sleep 2
echo "\n[-] Rolling back to your precedent branch..."
# comming back to reality
git checkout "$branch"
echo "[-] gf help center:"
echo "[-] gf s 'search-kwy-word'"
echo "[-] gf o 'commit-id:line:file-name'"
echo "[-] gf started..."
if [ "$1" == "search" ] || [ "$1" == "s" ]; then
_search $2
elif [ "$1" == "open" ] || [ "$1" == "o" ]; then
_open_code $2
echo "[x] Error: Bad parameter provided..."
main $1 $2
Source code : Gist-Code