Am a Backend Engineer, an electronic geek and an Otaku Guru.
Most of the time, just trying to solve interesting problems, with my small brain.I like everything related to tech & hacking/making in general, software and hardware,writing about my discoveries in general and play with everything i have in mind.
snips.nvim : Nvim plugin to create code snippets and share links like pastebin.
dockdb.nvim : Nvim plugin to bind the code editor with more than 7 types of SGBD containers (NoSQL/SQL/key-value).
zzollo : Web Search Engine for open-source projects on github/gitlab & bitbucket.
gitrows-api : Transform a github/gitlab repo into a NoSQL database as a service.
tchaka : Telegram bot to Chat with people around your localization(<5km).
oCloud & oBot : Infinite Storage system throught a bot and Telegram Servers.
s2c : Secret video(ASCII)/audio chat in your terminal with encryption.
PROJECTS :xxx install
after a pull or checkout.firecrawl : Turn entire websites into LLM-ready markdown or structured data. Scrape, crawl and extract with a single API.
oss-cammeroon : Open source projects driven by Cameroonian developers.
bun : fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, test runner, and package manage.
fzf-vim : fzf in (N)vim.
gh-dash : A TUI dashboard for PR and issues accross github.
Sharuco : OpenSource platform for sharing code & manage Forms (like google form) & links.